An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples
An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples


News from 2024

Denver training: 25th-30th Jan

In January, Mark Newell and I(Bern) returned from a US Navs’ staff training event – this has proved thought provoking and inspiring as we plan our own regional leader development course for 2025.

This included thinking about:

  • A shift from organizational to relational leadership
  • Emphasis on modelling and developing mobile alongsiding
  • Incorporation of four helping modalities: mentoring, coaching, counselling, spiritual direction
  • Building modules around the Core and Core Values
  • Improved mix of 70-20-10
  • Emphasis on the whole person, personalized mentoring and coaching

Dealing with Conflict conference UK: 29th Jan – 2nd Feb

About 20 UK Nav staff trainees in their 20s and Nav staff from around the UK gathered for 4 days in the Lake District to explore the topic of ‘dealing with conflict’. This included training on conflict styles and relational healing. We engaged with Biblical principles and practical tools that allow us to understand our own responses, to reconcile damaged relationships, prevent escalation and allow God’s transforming work in our inner issues that difficult conflicts may bring to the surface.

One attendee wrote:

” I have been in a very challenging conflict at work since last winter… I doubted if the approaches taught in the Bible actually work in these situations or if I had the wisdom to know how to act properly. I’ve been reading and mediating further on the material since the away days and feel much less anxious and more courageous in my response now.”