Faith grows when life hits reality. Sometimes moving to another culture for a summer can move a person’s faith from an idea to reality. Here are some opportunities for you to explore…
The Navigators have run short summer programmes for decades. Teams have gone out all around the world. And these trips change lives, not just for those in other countries, but for the people going. Because spending time in another culture opens a space for God to teach.
Check out the opportunities below. If you are interested, please fill in the form below.

Set in beautiful Norway, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. For the last 20 years, young people and families have gathered in Elvheim, at a guesthouse in Skjolden. (click for more)
Places are still available for this summer. So, rise to the adventure and attend a discipleship week, or even two. You might also like to serve on the team responsible for making this happen.
Elvheim is located at the end of Norway’s longest fjord and at the foot of some of Norway’s highest mountains. It is a fantastic place to grow.

Global Student Programme – USA
A unique opportunity to travel to the USA and attend a summer training program run by the Navigators Worldwide Partnership. (click for more)
Students and graduates from Navigator ministries around the world will gather at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs (the Navigator international headquarters) for a summer of intense growth.
The GSP (Global Student programme) will bring in young people from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. With inspirational content, it combines training/group sessions with team work on site. There is also an option to connect online through GSPX.
Deadline: 12th January 2024

An Italian experience. A 2/3 week opportunity in learning how to how share your faith in another culture. (click for more)
Join the adventure in June 2024, with an opportunity to work in Parma alongside experienced disciplers. Learn how to become culturally sensitive. This is joint adventure, between the Italian and British Navigators.
You will also participate in a Join a small team and see what God is doing at the heart of a local church community in Parma as well as encourage some Italian students in their faith at a conference in Porto Sant’Elpido.
For the first leg of the trip the team will meet in Parma and be based there for 2 full weeks. They will be volunteer helpers at a holiday English camp for local children (aged 6-12) organised by the Gruppo Cristiano church. Then a train journey onwards to Porto Sant’Elpido for part two of the trip. Here we hope to gather a number of Italian student contacts for a special day conference which would be facilitated by the team in English & Italian. There will be space in the programme for team and personal time, as well as sightseeing and relaxation.
This will hopefully be the first of such trips aimed at encouraging local alongsiders and strengthening links with Christian communities in Italy, as well as providing a valuable cross-cultural missions insight for team members.
Deadline: 31 March 2024

Rise to the challenge of teaching English to high school studentS. The Budapest Navigators invite you to join them for 3 amazing weeks. (click for more)
You can get involved, not only teaching English, but helping young people with disabilities. You can build community through conversations and outdoor activities. And you will work with a small dedicated team.
About 70 high schoolers come each week, and each camp runs from Monday to Friday. It will be intense, friendship building and definitely life-changing!
Week 1 – English learning camp.
Week 2 – Hybrid camp with days out.
Week 3 – Serving children and young people with disabilities.
Deadline: 31 March 2024

Bratislava, Slovakia
Navigators from Britain and Slovakia join together to run two language camps. Many of the teenagers may end up attending universities in the UK. (click for more)
This year the two camps will run in parallel, with both organised by the C.S.Lewis Bilingual High School (link). It is an opportunity to help these 16-year-old students improve in their English language. It is an opportunity to build into the live of the next generation.
The camps run for 5 days and is centred around the school.
Deadline: 31 March 2024