It takes people and resources to grow in faith. The Bible is always the first resource we use. Then come those book we have developed over years, pulling together key discipleship topics in the Bible. How to pray. How to grow in faith. How to help others to grow…
Some of these resources were developed by our founder, Dawson Trotman, in the early 1900s. Included are his key diagrams on what discipleship means.

What is a vibrant disciple?
Anyone can become a follower of Jesus. For he can work in our hearts and change our lives. He can help us become vibrant disciples. Learn how the Wheel Illustration can change your life. The Wheel Page

How to learn the Bible
The Bible, God’s Word, is key to growing in Jesus. The Word Hand is a diagram showing five basic ways anyone can use the Bible. It is vital for growing in faith. The Word Hand Page

How to reach God
This illustration (also known as the Bridge Illustration) was developed by some Navigator missionaries in Korea. It shows the simplicity of beginning a relationship with God. How to reach God Page

UK Navigators Book Shop
The Britain Navigators have developed many resources on how to be a disciple and help others as well. These easy-to-follow Bible studies can help anyone who is just starting out. They can be used in groups or one-to-ones. Go to shop

German Navigators Shop
The German Navigators offer a series of 3 Bible study books which lead a person through the essentials of faith. It also contains Bible verse cards for memorising and prayer. This amazing resource will help you grow. Go to shop

Dutch Navigators Magazine
This essential Dutch Navigator resource is published three times a year. It contains stories about discipleship. It shares what God is doing in people’s lives. A hard copy can be sent to anyone who requests it, and it’s also available online. Sign up now. Go to site