An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples
An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples

Stories from the work

  • Dealing with Conflict conference UK: 29th Jan – 2nd Feb

    Dealing with Conflict conference UK: 29th Jan – 2nd Feb

    About 20 UK Nav staff trainees in their 20s and Nav staff from around the UK gathered for 4 days in the Lake District to explore the topic of ‘dealing with conflict’. This included training on conflict styles and relational healing. We engaged with Biblical principles and practical tools that allow us to understand our…

    (click here to read more)

  • Denver training: 25th-30th Jan

    Denver training: 25th-30th Jan

    In January, Mark Newell and I(Bern) returned from a US Navs’ staff training event – this has proved thought provoking and inspiring as we plan our own regional leader development course for 2025. This included thinking about:

    (click here to read more)

  • Gretchen in Lithuania

    Gretchen in Lithuania

    Gretchen Ketner’s work at LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania allows her to help influence and encourage the next generation toward faith. Gretchen has been teaching English and directing English language programs at LCC since 2012. This role puts her in touch with students from across the former Soviet bloc and beyond. Since LCC is…

    (click here to read more)