An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples

Connect + C2

Rory McNeight

Connect’ is a 1-2 year graduate programme helping young adults learn and grow in discipleship. In September, the connectors(interns) gathered in the border area of Scotland to kick start the year with our first set of training days.

top row: Ariyel, Rory, Colin(leader), Duncan, Hari, Emmanuel(leader), Joshua

bottom row: Shona(leader), Elise, Sarah, Rose, Fiona, Emma, Darren (leader)

Alongside looking at practical issues such as time management and planning a one-to-ones, we spent time delving into what the Bible reveals of God’s redemption story and how that is the core of ministry! It was an encouraging reminder at the start of the year that God’s efforts, not ours, are the foundation of our Christian walk and our serving others.

We also had the opportunity to share our stories with one another. Having the time to reflect on how to convey these, and hear how God had been working in the lives of fellow connectors, was a real blessing.

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