An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples
An international movement of people who love Jesus and seek to be his disciples

Gretchen in Lithuania

International International University in Lithuania

Gretchen Ketner’s work at LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania allows her to help influence and encourage the next generation toward faith. Gretchen has been teaching English and directing English language programs at LCC since 2012. This role puts her in touch with students from across the former Soviet bloc and beyond.

Since LCC is a Christian university, it provides a supportive environment for her to meet students and share life and faith. The university sets out a curriculum that includes Bible survey courses and gives opportunities to do courses such as Alpha. The topic of Jesus is never far from the surface.

One student she met is Amina from Kazakhstan. She arrived excited about her new-found faith. It was something she wanted to develop and introduce others to while at the university. Gretchen, along with other Christian staff, has been able to be a support to Amina. They have discussed elements of life and found ways to integrate her faith into her life.

Amina became a Resident Assistant. She took her role of forming community among fellow students seriously. She and Gretchen prayed for all the girls on her residence’s floor before they came. Gretchen agreed to support her with personal involvement with the students.

Amina was able to encourage her fellow students to share their experiences. One of the girls on her floor Liliya, was feeling isolated and out of place. This came out as the students shared their stories.  Amina was able to support her and eventually encourage Liliya to come to faith. They went on to explore how Liliya could integrate faith into her life. Gretchen encouraged her to explore Christian meditation on scripture as an alternative to eastern meditation practices and helped her to consider how God could work through her art.

Gretchen does not see herself as a pioneering missionary. She is part of a team of many influences among the staff and faculty at the university. She is able to pick up what others have started and do her part, coming alongside younger women to encourage them in their faith journeys because of a supportive environment. It is a joy for her to see each one contributing as lives are changed.

Maybe you could pray for Gretchen? During the summer months Gretchen organises a summer English language programme for which she needs a continual stream of teachers.

Please pray that the Lord would provide both teachers and students and that these summer programmes would be a great opening for sharing of faith.

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